Parent/Student name,
The Principal,
School name,
Sub: Application for fee concession.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I’m [parent name] father of [student name] studying class [xx] and section [X] with roll no. [XX] in your school.
Due to [some financial problems/ my job loss/ loss in my business/ my health reasons], I cannot afford to pay the fee for my son/daughter. Therefore I request you to kindly give a full fee concession for the present academic year.
I hope you understand my situation and help us through this difficult period.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Mobile Number.
Best Reasons for Fee Concession
- Financial problems
- Job loss
- Business loss
- Health problems
- Pandemics like COVID
Full Fee Concession Application for Class 9th
Hareesh Ch,
H No: 125-1,
Telangana 500016.
Sri Gayatri Vidya Nikethan,
Telangana 500016.
Sub: Request letter for full fee concession.
Respected Sir,
I’m Hareesh Ch, father of Charan Tej, studying class 9th A, with roll no. 17 in your school. Due to the sudden loss of my job I cannot afford to pay the school fee for my child. Therefore I request you to kindly give a full fee concession for the current academic year. I know it’s a big request, but my situation has made me ask this.
I hope you understand my situation and help us through this difficult period.
Thanking you.
Hareesh Ch.
Mobile No: 9551XXXX20.
Full Fee Concession Application for Class 8th
Sandeep B,
D No: 12-124,
Maharani Peta,
The Head Master,
St Peter’s High School,
Maharani Peta,
Visakhapatnam 530003.
Sub: Request letter for fee concession.
Respected Sir,
My name is Sandeep B, Studying grade 8th B bearing roll number 15. My father is daily wage labour who earns 7000 – 8000 Rs per month. Recently his health got affected and he was hospitalized. It made our financial condition much worse.
During this difficult time, I cannot pay for my studies. But I do not want to quit my studies for this reason.
Therefore, I request you to please grant me a complete concession in my fee so that my studies will not be interrupted.
I shall be highly obliged to you for any help in this matter.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Sandeep B,
Full Fee Concession Application for Class 7th
The Head Mistress,
The Millenium School,
Uttar Pradesh 226010.
Respected Madam,
My name is Srinivas K, father of Deepika, studying 7th A, with roll number 21 in your school in your esteemed institution.
I regret to inform you that I got a huge loss in my business, and currently struggling with a huge financial crisis. At present, I cannot even afford to pay for my daughter’s education fees.
She is a brilliant student, but I am worrying that my present condition may interrupt her studies. So kindly help us by waiving her school fee or suggesting any other solution. I can assure you that from next year we will not trouble you.
I shall be highly grateful to you for this help.
Thanking you.
Srinivas K.
Mobile no. 8500XXXX75.
How parents can write a fee concession application?
Respected Sir/Madam,
With due respect, I’m Raghuram B, father of Mukesh Kumar, studying class 5th B, with roll no. 12 in your school. I regret to inform you that I could not afford to pay my daughter’s school fees because of my sudden loss of employment.
Till now I have paid all fee dues at right time, but I don’t know what to do now. Here I would like to request a complete fee concession for the present educational year (or) kindly provide any scholarship facility. So that my daughter cannot drop out of her studies.
I shall be grateful to you for this help.
What is the meaning of a full fee concession?
Students who can’t afford to pay their school fees due to any financial problems can get free education or scholarship. But to get a full fee concession students must have a valid reason.
Who qualifies for a full fee concession?
Students can get a full fee concession based on their merit (or) parent’s income level (or) even based on their caste.
How do you write a fee concession email?
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Mukesh Kumar, father of Avinash, pursuing class 9th A, with roll number 22 in your esteemed school. I am sorry to inform you that I couldn’t pay my son’s school fees because of my financial problems. Recently I got a big loss in my business and dealing with the worse financial crisis of my life.
So if possible please give a concession to my child’s school fee, so that his studies will not be affected.
I shall be highly obliged to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
Your name.
What to do If you don’t get the fee concession?
If you do not get any fee concession then apply for any scholarship program or contact any charitable trust who can provide educational support to the merit students.
- Application for late fee submission due to financial problems
- Request letter for extension of fee payment.