Family functions are common and important, it may be any puja ceremony or birthdays or baby shower function, etc. Children need to know about these functions so that they know about our traditions and at the same time their relationship with their relatives will become stronger.
Here are some sample family function leave letter formats which you can submit to your school to get a leave.
Family function leave Letter by Student
Format 1
The Class Teacher,
_____ Class.
School Name.
Sub: Leave application for a family function.
Respected Sir/Madam,
We have a family function at my home on _______(date of function), all our relatives are attending the function. It is one of the most important functions in our family.
So here I am requesting you to please grant me a one day leave to attend my family function.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Your name,
Roll no: __,
Class ____, Section ___.
Format 2
The Class Teacher,
School Name.
Sub: Leave letter due to family function.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is a kind request to grant me a two days leave to attend my family function in our relatives home.
All our family members and relatives are gathering for this function, so I am requesting you to kindly grant me the leave for two days i.e from ______ to ________(dates).
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Your name,
Roll no:_______,
Class: _____, Section:____.
Family Function Leave Letter by Parent
Format 1
The Class Teacher,
School Name,
Sub: Leave request due to family function.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is _______(parent name), parent of _________(son/daughter name), roll no:_____, belongs to class ____ and section _____.
With due respect, I am writing this request letter to seek your approval to allow my son/daughter to take leave for one day on ________ (date of leave) due to our family function.
Hope you grant the leave.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Format 2
The Class Teacher,
____ class,
School name.
Sub: Leave application due to family function.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am ___________(parent name) father/mother of ____________(student name), roll no _________, of class ____ and section _____.
We are going to attend a family function in our relative’s home on ______ (date of function), but my son/daughter needs your approval to take a one day leave on that day.
So please grant the leave on ________(date of leave).
Thanking you.
Your name.
Also Read
- Request letters for extension of fee payment by students and parents.
- Application for transfer certificate after 10th.