RTO form 35 is known as the notice of termination of agreement of hire purchase, lease or hypothecation. Generally, RTO form 35 hypothecation is used to remove the hypothecation of the financier on the registration certificate of the vehicle.
In order to remove vehicle hypothecation, we need to submit RTO Form 35 to the RTO office along with no objection certificate given by the financier or bank. Here you can know how to fill RTO Form 35 and you can also download RTO form 35 in word format.
How To Fill RTO Form 35
It is very simple to fill RTO form 35 hypothecation, it consists two parts, one part has to be filled by the vehicle owner and the second part will be filled by RTO office.
Both vehicle owners and financiers need to sign on the RTO form 35. Along with the signatures of the vehicle registered owner and financier of the banker we also need to write the vehicle registration number and address of the respective RTO office to which we are submitting RTO form 35 hypothecation.
Sample Filled RTO Form 35

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