Since the time of COVID, schools are allowing students to participate in online exams whenver the students are feeling sick and out of the station. But to get permission for an online example, the student or parents must write a letter of request to the principal of the school.
Here are some sample online exam application formats for the principal, which you can download in Word format.
Application for Online Exam Due to Fever
The Principal,
School name,
School Address.
Sub: Application for online exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is [Student name], studying class ………………… with roll no. …………….. I had a fever and was unable to come to school to attend the upcoming quarterly exams.
However, I have prepared for these exams very well, so I do not want to miss them. Therefore, I request you please conduct my exams in online mode, which would be very helpful to me.
I hope you approve my request
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Your name.

Application for Online Exam Due to COVID
The School Principal,
School name
Sub: Application for conducting the online exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My daughter [Student name], a student of your school studying class ……………….. & roll no. ………. This is regarding upcoming semester exams.
Due to COVID-19, I am working from home and staying in my village, and we are unable to bring my daughter to school for the exams.
We would therefore ask you to please allow my daughter to take the exams online. She regularly takes your online classes and is well prepared for upcoming exams. Therefore, we would not want to miss her exams.
We hope you will consider our application for the online examination request.
Thanking you.
Your name.

Application for Online Exam Due to Out of Station
The Principal,
School name,
Sub: Request for online exam.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m [Student name], a class …………. student with roll number ……. I am writing this letter about forthcoming exams.
Due to some urgent work, we went to our village. As I am out of the station I cannot able to attend the exams offline. So I am asking for your permission to attend the exams online.
Please consider my request.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Your name.
Sample Email to Principal for Online Exam
Sub: Applicaiton to take exams online.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m [Parent name], a student of ………….., roll no. ……… request you to permit me to take upcoming quarterly/half-yearly exams online due to my health issues.
I have prepared well for the exams, but my sudden health issues made me unable to attend offline exams.
Considering this, please approve my request for online exams.
I shall be grateful to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
Sravani Yalla.
Application for Online Exam to Principal from Parents
The Principal,
School name,
Sub: Application for online exam.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is [Parent name], and my son/daughter [Student name] is a student of your school studying class ………….. with roll number ……..
I am writing this letter to request you allow my child to take exams online, because of COVID/health issues.
We would appreciate your support in approving our request.
Thanking you.
Your name.

Tips: How to Write Online Exam Application to Principal
- Start with the right subject line, ex: “ Application for online exam” (or) “Request for online exam”.
- Address the letter to the school principal by using salutations like “Respected Sir/Madam” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.
- Write student name, class, section, and roll number in the first line of the letter.
- Now make your request to allow for the online exam by stating the proper reason.
- Finally end the letter with letter closings like yours faithfully, sincerely or regards.
Will schools allow online exams for students?
Yes, after COVID most schools are conducting exams in both online and offline mode.
How do schools conduct online exams?
Schools use different software platforms to create online exams and to assess students’ performance.
- Section change application to the school principal.
- Application to principal for full fee concession.