As a student, if you are not comfortable with your present class section then it is better to change the section as early as possible so that you can concentrate more on your studies than other issues.
School principals have the authority to change the section, so you or your parents need to write a request letter to the school principal to change your class section.
Reasons for Changing Class Section
- When you are not comfortable with your classmates. (Ex: Bullying, Unfriendliness, etc
- When a particular section of teachers is not teaching well.
- When your best friends are in another section
- To study with bright students.
Section Change Application from Students
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Application for change of section.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is [Student Name], a student of class [Class & Section], roll no. [XX]. I am writing this letter requesting a change in my class section.
Most of my friends are in section [Preferred Section], So we can help each other during our studies, which makes my studies better. Therefore kindly change my section from [Present Section] to [Preferred Section].
I shall be very grateful.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Your name.

Application for Section Change for Class 7
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Application for section change.
Respected Madam,
I am Keerthi Chappa, studying class 7th & section “C”. I would like to request a change in my section to 7th A to improve my studies.
As I am not good at maths, I hope that shifting to section “A” can help me to improve my maths knowledge. So please shift me to section 7th A.
I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently,
Keerthi Chappa.
Roll no: 11.
Application for Section Change for Class 8
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Section change application.
Respected Sir,
I, Archana Solanki, belong to class 8th A. I want to change my section to 8th B because I am not able to mingle with my present classmates, which affects my studies.
Therefore keeping in this consideration please shift me to section 8th B.
I would be grateful to you.
Yours sincerely,
Archana Solanki.
Roll No: 21.
Application for Section Change for Class 9
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Application for change of section.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is [your name], a student of 9th C. I would like to request you to change my class section as I am unable to understand my classes. I want to shift to section 9th A, where the students are getting better results. My parents are also advising the same.
So kindly change my section from 9th C to 9th A.
I shall be obliged to you in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Your name.
Roll no.
Application for Section Change for Class 10
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Section change application.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Avinash Tiwari of class 10th A, writing this to request a change of my section to 10th B. I want to change the section because I am not good at maths. Maybe I’m not capable of understanding the teaching of my current math teacher in this section.
I think a change in the section will improve my mathematical knowledge.
So please shift me to section 10th A.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Avinash Tiwari.
Roll no. 15.
Application for Section Change from Parents (Format 1)
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Application for change of section.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am [parent name] father of [student name], studying [Class & Section] with roll no. [XX] in your school.
I hereby request you to change his/her section from [present section] to [preferred section]. Because my son/daughter is getting bullied by his/her classmates. We already gave complaints to the class teacher but their behavior is not changed which affects my child’s education.
I believe changing sections will help my son/ daughter so that she/he can peacefully concentrate on his/her studies.
Therefore I request you to please change my son/daughter’s section from [present section] to [preferred section].
Thanking you.
Parent name.
Application for Section Change from Parents (Format 2)
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Section change application.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With due respect, I am [partent name], parent of [student name] of [class & section] and roll no. [XX]. I would like to inform you that my son/ daughter is not doing well in his/her education. He/she is continuously getting low grades.
I think he/she is not able to grasp the teachings of the current section and my son/daughter also agreed with that.
Therefore I request you to kindly change him/her from section [present section] to [preferred section], which can help to improve his/her studies.
I shall be grateful to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
Your name.

- Application to principal for full fee concession.
- Application for cancellation of admission and refund of fee.