Employees require address proof letter format from their employers to open bank accounts. Whenever a bank asks a person to submit the address proof letter, then employees will ask their employer to provide an address proof letter. Here you can find sample address proof letter format for opening bank account and you can also download word format of address proof letter from employer.
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Address Proof Letter Format For Opening Bank Account | Address Proof Letter From Employer
This is to certify that Mr A Ranganath is an employee of The ABC Company ltd since 10 October 2015 and his permanent address as per our records is D No: 12-1-15, Autonagar, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh 530012.
This letter is issued for the purpose of opening bank account.
For The ABC Company Ltd
Authorized Signatory.
The authorized signature of the employer is mandatory in this letter and employer has to take this letter print out on their company letterhead. And don’t forget to mention the reason for issuing this letter i.e this letter is issued for the purpose of opening bank account.