There are a number of reasons for writing a permission request for the exams. They are like 1. Attendance shortages 2. To take the competitive examinations and 3. Attend academic exams (or) competitions for employees on business days.
In all the above cases you need to take the permission of your principal or boss to appear for the exam.
Below are a few examples of request letters for permission to attend exams…..
Application for permission to attend the exam to principal
The Principal,
College Name,
College Address.
Sub: Application for exam permission.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am [your name], Roll no. [XX] a student from [Class and Year], [Group] in your college. I regret to inform you that due to my lack of attendance, I am not allowed to write the final examinations.
I had a shortage of attendance due to some health problems/ family problems/ personal problems, however, I was very well prepared for these examinations. So please help me by allowing me to the examination.
I will very grateful to you for that.
Thanking you.
Your name.

Application for permission to appear in the competitive examination
The Principal,
College name,
College Address.
Sub: Application to attend a competitive exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is [Student name], roll no. [XX], studying [Course & year] in [College name]. I have been preparing for [Exam Name], and the exam will be held on [Exam Date].
Hence, it is a working day, please allow me to attend the exam by granting a leave. I have prepared very well for this examination. If I pass the exam, I can make a career out of it.
Please consider my request.
Thanking you.
your name,

Application for examination permission from the office
The Manager,
Company Name,
Sub: Requesting permission to attend the exams.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am [Employee name], working as a [Designation] in [Department] in [Company name] for last…. Years.
I request your permission to attend my final year PG exams for 7 days from [From date] to [To date].
I will return to the office immediately after the examination, and in case of any emergency work my colleague Mr./Ms. …………………….. will attend that work.
Therefore please give your permission.
Thanking you.
Your name,

Application for taking permission for online exam
The Principal,
College Name,
College Address.
Sub: Request for the exam online.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am [student name], a student of [Course name & Year] with roll no. XX. I am suffering from a fever for two days, so I am unable to attend the upcoming ………………exams.
I am very well prepared for these exams by studying day and night. But unfortunately, my health does not help me to physically present myself for examinations.
So please let me participate in the exams online. This will help me a lot and that saves me a year of hard work.
Please find my medical reports for your confirmation, and I hope you will consider my request.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Application for late exam permission
The Principal,
College Name,
College Address.
Sub: Request to reschedule my ………….. exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am [student name], Roll no. XX is a student from [class name and year] of your school. I’m sorry to inform you that my grandfather passed away last night, so I can’t take the English test today.
With all due respect, I want to ask you to reschedule my exam to the date 21 Oct 2022.
I would be grateful if you would consider this.
Thanking you.
Your name,
Application for early exam permission
The Principal,
College Name,
College Address.
Sub: Apply for an early exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is in [student name], studying [class & section] with roll no. XX. With utmost respect, I would like to request you to prepone my Science exam to [prepone date] due to my sister’s wedding ceremony on exactly the same date as the exam i.e. on [wedding date].
She’s my own sister, so I do not want to miss her marriage, so please consider giving me your permission.
For the remaining exams, I can attend without any problem.
Thanking you.
Your name,
Tip: How to write Application for Examination Permission
- Subject: Use an appropriate subject line Ex: Application for exam permission (or) Request to grant exam permission.
- Salutation: Start the application with the right salutation like “Respected Sir/madam”
- Your Details: In the first line of the application mention your name, class, section, and roll number.
- Reason: Now, in the second paragraph, indicate the reason why you are writing the application and also the reason why you are not allowed to take the exams.
- Closing: Finally close the letter with proper letter closings like Sincerely, regards, etc…
Application for online exam to the principal.