For any reason, if you are not able to finish your internship on the due date, then you can request the head of the department or company to extend your internship duration. If your reason is genuine the companies will approve your request.
How to ask for an extension of the internship period
- Start with a subject line such as “ Request to extend the internship until [date]”
- Use salutation like Dear Sir/Madam.
- Write your name, internship title, and duration in the first paragraph of the letter or email.
- Now, apply for an extension with a proper reason.
- Talk about how the extension of the internship will be useful for your studies.
- Finally, end the letter with the right closings.
Internship Extension Letter 1
Sub: Internship extension request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is [your name], working as an internee in your company in [department name] for the last two months. My internship ends on [date].
But I need another two weeks to finish my internship. So I request you to please extend my internship until [date].
I hope you will approve my request, which will be very useful for my studies.
Thanking you,
Your name.

Internship Extension Letter 2
Sub: Internship extension application.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am [your name], working as a……………… intern at your company starting [date]. My internship will end on [date]. But the internship is still not finished, it takes another month to finish.
Therefore, I am requesting you to please extend my internship to [date], so that I can complete it and submit the report to my college.
I shall be very grateful to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
Your name.

Internship Extension Request Email 1
Sub: Internship extension request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is [your name], and with your support, I have been doing an internship in …………………………… in your company since …………………. It is a two-month internship program that ends on ……………………
However, due to health reasons, I was unable to complete it in time. I need an additional two weeks.
Therefore, I urge you to extend my internship until ………………….. This will be very helpful to my studies.
I hope you’ll take my request under consideration.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Internship Extension Request Email 2
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: …………….. Internship extension request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is on [your name], a…………………….. intern at your company. I have been interning for the last two months from ……………………. The internship should end on …………………..
But it will take me another two weeks to finish it efficiently. So please allow me to continue my internship until …………………….
That would really help me with my studies.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Internship Extension Letter from Employer
Sub: Internship extended.
Dear Mr./Ms. [Intern name],
With reference to your application to extend the internship, we are pleased to inform you that your internship has been extended until [new date].
Any other terms and conditions will remain unchanged.
As the extension was the subject of your request, no additional compensation will be provided for the extended period.
We wish you the best of success.
For the “Company name”,
Authorized signatory.
great sir i think these type of application writing knowledge is very grateful thanks a lot.