Leave Application for An Urgent Piece of Work for School Teacher

As a teacher taking leave is not an easy task you need to plan it as before as possible, but some times teachers are in a situation where they can’t plan their leave due to some emergency works. At that time you can request the school or principal regarding leave on the basis of an urgent piece of work. Here is the sample leave application formats for an urgent piece of work for school teachers.

Leave Application for Urgent Piece of Work for School Teacher

Format 1


The Principal,

School Name,



Teacher Name,


Sub: Leave request due to an urgent piece of work.

Dear Sir,

I am writing this to inform you that due to urgent work in my home town I need an emergency leave just for One day on _________(date).

I have spoken with Ms/Mr/Mrs____________ to take care of my students as a replacment teacher.

I hope you understand my situation and accept my leave application.

Thanking you.



Format 2


The Principal,

School Name,


Sub: Leave request due to an urgent piece of work.

Dear Sir,

I am ______________(name of the teacher), Science teacher of the Class ___, and section ____.  I am writing this to apply for a One day leave on ______(date) due to a personal work.

Please consider this as an emergency and kindly grant me the leave.

I shall be thankful to you.



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