Whenever you are suffering from loose motions or vomitings or any Diarrhea related symptoms then it is better to take leave to the office and you should take rest for a speedy recovery.
Don’t feel ashamed for mentioning the reason for loose motions, it is a common problem that everyone faces due to having some unsuitable foods and sometimes due to food poisoning.
How to Write a Leave Letter for Loose Motions
Start the letter with Dear Sir/madam or Respected sir/madam and mention the reason why you want to take the leave and how many days you want to take the leave.
Here you can find some leave application formats which you can use to apply for the leave due to loose motions and vomitings.
Format 1
The Manager,
XYZ Pvt Ltd,
Company Address.
Sub: Request for leave.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is a kind request regarding my leave request due to my illness. I have been suffering from loose motions since last night. So I will not be able to come to the office today.
So kindly grant me a leave for today.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Format 2
The manager,
ABC Fondation,
Company Address.
Sub: Leave request due to loose motions and vomitings.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I have been affected with food poisoning at my relatives function, I have loose motions and vomiting problems. I have consulted the doctor and took some medicine as per his advice.
In this position I will not be able to come to office today, so I hope you understand my situation and kindly grant me a leave for Two days i.e 16 May 2021 and 17 May 2021.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Format 3
The Supervisor,
Company Name,
Company Address.
Sub: sick leave request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been feeling sick since last night, I have continuous vomiting and loose motions which were caused due to food poisoning.
I am going to hospital today for a checkup. So I am not in a situation to come to the office today.
So kindly approve my leave request for today i.e 16 My 2021.
Thanking you.
Your name.
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