There is nothing wrong with accepting your mistake and saying sorry. Students need to write apology letters to the principal when they commit any mistake. Every student needs to develop discipline from the time of their schooling.
Here are some sample apology application formats that student and their parents can submit to the principal.
Apology Letter to Principal for Mistake from Student
The Principal,
School Name,
Sub: Apology for breaking school rules.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter as an apology for breaking the school rules. I deeply regret causing the disturbances in the classroom.
I promise never to repeat this kind of behavior and I make sure to strictly follow the school rules.
Therefore, please forgive my mistake and give me an opportunity to prove my goodness.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section……,
Roll No……..

Apology Letter to Principal for Failing in Exam
The Principal,
School Name,
Respected Sir/Madam,
Sub: Apology letter for failing the exams.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I would like to sincerely apologize for failing the recent monthly/ quarterly/ semi-annual exams. Please trust me that in the upcoming exams, I will do my best to achieve a good score.
I failed exams due to my health issues/ lack of concentration/ lack of time for revision/ not having a proper study plan.
This time, I will certainly pass the exams with a high score. So please accept my apology.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal for Using Mobile Phone
The Principal,
School Name,
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please accept my apologies for breaking one of the main rules of not using the mobile phone on school premises.
I brought the mobile to get in touch with my parents about a family/health issue.
I’m sorry for breaking the school rules and please consider this is my first and last mistake.
I hope you forgive my mistake.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal for Absence
The Principal,
School Name,
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apologize for my absence on [date of absence] without any prior intimation. I was absent because of my health issues/sudden family tour.
I promise that I will never become absent from the school without intimation and I will be highly responsible from now on.
Therefore, please forgive me for the above mistake.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal for Late Coming
The Principal,
School Name,
Respected Sir/Madam,
I apologize for arriving late to school on [date]. the reason for the late is heavy traffic/road blockage/vehicle breakdown/parents’ health problems/doctor appointments.
I make sure I never get late to school again.
I request you to please accept my apology and allow me to attend the class.
I shall be grateful to you.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal for Fighting at School
The Principal,
School Name,
Respected Sir/Madam,
I deeply regret my action involved in a fight with my fellow student on [date] in the school.
I realized that I made a big mistake, and I assure you that I will never again engage in such harmful incidents.
Please treat this as my first and final mistake and allow me to attend my classes.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal for Not Attending Online Classes
The Principal,
School Name,
I am writing this letter to ask for an apology for missing the online classes held on [date].
I did not attend online classes due to a network issue in my area/laptop repair/mobile issue/family function/health issues.
Therefore, kindly accept my sincere apologies.
I would be most grateful for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the student,
Class & Section…………,
Roll No……..
Apology Letter to Principal from Parents
The Principal,
School Name,
With all due respect, I, [Parent Name] am writing this letter on behalf of my son/daughter named [Student Name] of Class ………. and Roll Number …….
Here I would like to apologize for my son’s mistake of misbehaving in school/ breaking school rules/ fighting in school/ using a mobile phone in school.
I will ensure that such mistakes do not happen again, I hope you will forgive my son/daughter.
Thanking you.
Your name.
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